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Role of Peer Pressure towards Tendency of Juvenile Delinquency among Male and Female Adolescents

Dr. Mussarat Jabeen Khan1

The present research aims to study the role of peer pressure towards the
tendency of juvenile delinquency among male and female adolescent. It was
completed in three phases, Phase-I involved the construction of Peer Pressure and
Tendency of Juvenile Delinquency Scale. As a result, Peer Pressure and Tendency
of Juvenile Delinquency Scale was developed comprising of 15 items. Phase II
aimed at determining the Psychometric analysis of the measure. For this purpose,
sample consisting of400 adolescents (200 male students, 200 female students)
with age ranging between 13 to 18 years was taken from different schools and
colleges of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Factor analysis determined two factors
namely peer pressure in academic setting and peer pressure in social setting.
Results showed that peer pressure in academic setting was positively correlated
with peer pressure in social setting. Peer Pressure and Tendency of Juvenile
Delinquency Scale was validated in Phase III by applying on large number of
individuals. Sample consisted of 600 adolescents with equal number of male and
female students. Results indicated significant gender differences on peer pressure
in academic setting and peer pressure in social setting, as male adolescents
reflected more peer pressure in academic and social setting as compared to female
students. It was also specified that students in early adolescence phase have more
peer pressure in academic and social setting as compared to students in late
adolescence phase.

Keywords: Juvenile Delinquency, Peer Pressure, Adolescence
