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Implications of Corporal Punishment on the Child’s Mental Health in Peshawar, Pakistan

Implications of Corporal Punishment on the Child’s Mental Health in Peshawar, Pakistan Akhtar Munir1, Prof. Basharat Hussain2 Abstract Corporal punishment is a common phenomenon in the lives of children in Pakistan due to religious, cultural and legal support. The association between corporal punishment and its psychological impacts on child has been studied around the globe […]


BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Claims Investigated by Special Master Freeh: A Case for  Application of Convenience Theory to White-Collar Misconduct

BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Claims Investigated by Special Master Freeh: A Case for  Application of Convenience Theory to White-Collar Misconduct Petter Gottschalk1 Abstract After an oil spill in the Gulf, British Petroleum had to compensate victims of the accident. The total compensation was $11 billion. As suggested by the theory of convenience, a financial motive, an […]
