Home > Publications > Intelligence Aspects in Police Basic Training and Countering Terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Intelligence Aspects in Police Basic Training and Countering Terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Farhat Ullah, Basharat Hussain & Imran Ahmad Sajid

The study was conducted to find out Intelligence aspects of police basic training and its
significance and role in responding to terrorism in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of
Pakistan. This research answers the questions such as; Is police properly trained to counter
the terrorism effectively? Is there any association between Intelligence aspect of police
training and countering terrorism? and other questions. Data was collected through a
structured questionnaire by using Likert scale from a sample of 363 respondents determined
through Sekaran table from the instructors at PTC Hangu, RTC Kohat, Trained police
constables in Peshawar and Kohat city. AChi Square test was applied to ascertain association
between dependent variable i.e. responding to terrorism and independent variable i.e.
Intelligence aspect of police training. Most of the respondents viewed that police basic
training structure has a lot of drawbacks and they were of the opinion that training system
needs to be reorganized to counter the terrorists. In responding to terrorism, proper
intelligence increases terrorist arrest rate (P=.000) and without proper intelligence training,
abilities of the police cannot be increased (P=.000). The study concluded that intelligence
aspect of police training has a major role in responding to terrorism. The study recommends
strengthening intelligence aspects of police basic training system and to reorganizes the
whole structure of police training and police should be strengthen to fight more efficiently
against the terrorists.

Keywords: Countering Terrorism, Intelligence, Police, Basic and Training
