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Agisoft photoscan user manual professional edition version 1.4 free download

To filter photos by marker use context menu.


(PDF) Agisoft PhotoScan User Manual Standard Edition, Version | jair parrado – .


Agisoft PhotoScan Crack 1. The first contains the position of the photos and the seek out common factors in the images. Agisoft Metashape sometimes referred to as Photoscan, Agisoft Photoscan, Metashape was added by tonytozoo in Jan and the latest update was made in Jan The list of alternatives was updated Apr Full agisoft photoscan professional 1.

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Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 1. Agisoft PhotoScan allows you to automatically create high-quality 3D model objects based on digital photos.

To reconstruct an object in PhotoScan it is enough to upload photos, no additional information is required. It can use the plane images to automatically generate high-quality 3D model, which can be understood as a process of converting a series of 2D images to a 3D model.

The Kenan Makerspace also has a printed version of this manual for use as well as a computer with the professional version of Agisoft PhotoScan on it. Agisoft PhotoScan Skilled is a program that may assist people to create 3D photographs from at the very least two photographs, so long as they include an object that may be reconstructed.

Last Update: Eu estou muito satisfeito com os resultados deste software. E realmente o melhor para uso de mapeamento com uso de drones de pequeno porte. Processing your photos in Agisoft Photoscan to create a 3D model, and using some additional features in Photoscan Pro to generate orthographic photos. So, when you “load photos” you only indicate photographs that will be used for further processing.

To load a set of photos 1. Select Add Photos In the Add Photos dialog box browse to the folder containing the images and select files to be processed. Then click Open button. Selected photos will appear on the Workspace pane. Photos in any other format will not be shown in the Add Photos dialog box. To work with such photos you will need to convert them in one of the supported formats.

If you have loaded some unwanted photos, you can easily remove them at any moment. To remove unwanted photos 1. On the Workspace pane select the photos to be removed. Right-click on the selected photos and choose Remove Items command from the opened context menu, or click Remove Items toolbar button on the Workspace pane. The selected photos will be removed from the working set.

Camera groups If all the photos or a subset of photos were captured from one camera position – camera station, for PhotoScan to process them correctly it is obligatory to move those photos to a camera group and mark the group as Camera Station. It is important that for all the photos in a Camera Station group distances between camera centers were negligibly small compared to the camera-object minimal distance.

However, it is possible to export panoramic picture for the data captured from only one camera station. Refer to Exporting results section for guidance on panorama export. Alternatively, camera group structure can be used to manipulate the image data in a chunk easily, e. To move photos to a camera group 1. On the Workspace pane or Photos pane select the photos to be moved. Right-click on the selected photos and choose Move Cameras – New Camera Group command from the opened context menu.

A new group will be added to the active chunk structure and selected photos will be moved to that group. To mark group as camera station, right click on the camera group name and select Set Group Type command from the context menu. Inspecting loaded photos Loaded photos are displayed on the Workspace pane along with flags reflecting their status. In this case PhotoScan assumes that the corresponding photo was taken using 50mm lens 35mm film equivalent.

If the actual focal length differs significantly from this value, manual calibration may be required. More details on manual camera calibration can be found in the Camera calibration section. NA Not aligned Notifies that external camera orientation parameters have not been estimated for the current photo yet. Images loaded to PhotoScan will not be aligned until you perform the next step – photos alignment. Notifies that Camera Station type was assigned to the group.

Aligning photos Once photos are loaded into PhotoScan, they need to be aligned. At this stage PhotoScan finds the camera position and orientation for each photo and builds a sparse point cloud model. To align a set of photos 1. Select Align Photos In the Align Photos dialog box select the desired alignment options.

Click OK button when done. The progress dialog box will appear displaying the current processing status. To cancel processing click Cancel button. Alignment having been completed, computed camera positions and a sparse point cloud will be displayed. You can inspect alignment results and remove incorrectly positioned photos, if any. To see the matches between any two photos use View Matches Incorrectly positioned photos can be realigned.

To realign a subset of photos 1. Reset alignment for incorrectly positioned cameras using Reset Camera Alignment command from the photo context menu. Select photos to be realigned and use Align Selected Cameras command from the photo context menu. When the alignment step is completed, the point cloud and estimated camera positions can be exported for processing with another software if needed. Image quality Poor input, e. To help you to exclude poorly focused images from processing PhotoScan suggests automatic image quality estimation feature.

Images with quality value of less than 0. To disable a photo use Disable button from the Photos pane toolbar. PhotoScan estimates image quality for each input image.

The value of the parameter is calculated based on the sharpness level of the most focused part of the picture. To estimate image quality 1. Switch to the detailed view in the Photos pane using Details command from the Change menu on the Photos pane toolbar. Select all photos to be analyzed on the Photos pane.

Right button click on the selected photo s and choose Estimate Image Quality command from the context menu. Once the analysis procedure is over, a figure indicating estimated image quality value will be displayed in the Quality column on the Photos pane. Alignment parameters The following parameters control the photo alignment procedure and can be modified in the Align Photos dialog box: Accuracy Higher accuracy settings help to obtain more accurate camera position estimates.

Lower accuracy settings can be used to get the rough camera positions in a shorter period of time. While at High accuracy setting the software works with the photos of the original size, Medium setting causes image downscaling by factor of 4 2 times by each side , at Low accuracy source files are downscaled by factor of 16, and Lowest value means further downscaling by 4 times more.

Highest accuracy setting upscales the image by factor of 4. Since tie point positions are estimated on the basis of feature spots found on the source images, it may be meaningful to upscale a source photo to accurately localize a tie point.

However, Highest accuracy setting is recommended only for very sharp image data and mostly for research purposes due to the corresponding processing being quite time consuming. Pair preselection The alignment process of large photo sets can take a long time.

A significant portion of this time period is spent on matching of detected features across the photos. Image pair preselection option may speed up this process due to selection of a subset of image pairs to be matched. In the Generic preselection mode the overlapping pairs of photos are selected by matching photos using lower accuracy setting first.

Additionally the following advanced parameters can be adjusted. Key point limit The number indicates upper limit of feature points on every image to be taken into account during current processing stage. Using zero value allows PhotoScan to find as many key points as possible, but it may result in a big number of less reliable points. Tie point limit The number indicates upper limit of matching points for every image.

Using zero value doesn’t apply any tie point filtering. For additional information on the usage of masks please refer to the Using masks section. Adaptive camera model fitting This option enables automatic selection of camera parameters to be included into adjustment based on their reliability estimates.

For data sets with strong camera geometry, like images of a building taken from all the sides around, including different levels, it helps to adjust more parameters during initial camera alignment. For data sets with weak camera geometry , like a typical arial data set, it helps to prevent divergence of some parameters. For example, estimation of radial distortion parameters for data sets with only small central parts covered by the object is very unreliable.

When the option is unchecked, PhotoScan will refine only the fixed set of parameters: focal length, principal point position, three radial distortion coefficients K1, K2, K3 and two tangential distortion coefficients P1, P2.

Recommended value is Too high or too low tie point limit value may cause some parts of the dense point cloud model to be missed. The reason is that PhotoScan generates depth maps only for pairs of photos for which number of matching points is above certain limit. As a results sparse point cloud will be thinned, yet the alignment will be kept unchanged. Point cloud generation based on imported camera data PhotoScan supports import of external and internal camera orientation parameters.

Thus, if precise camera data is available for the project, it is possible to load them into PhotoScan along with the photos, to be used as initial information for 3D reconstruction job. To import external and internal camera parameters 1. Select Import Cameras command from the Tools menu.

Select the format of the file to be imported. Browse to the file and click Open button. The data will be loaded into the software. Camera calibration data can be inspected in the Camera Calibration dialog, Adjusted tab, available from Tools menu. Once the data is loaded, PhotoScan will offer to build point cloud. This step involves feature points detection and matching procedures. As a result, a sparse point cloud – 3D representation of the tie-points data, will be generated.

Parameters controlling Build Point Cloud procedure are the same as the ones used at Align Photos step see above. Based on the estimated camera positions the program calculates depth information for each camera to be combined into a single dense point cloud. PhotoScan tends to produce extra dense point clouds, which are of almost the same density, if not denser, as LIDAR point clouds. A dense point cloud can be edited within PhotoScan environment or exported to an external tool for further analysis.

To build a dense point cloud 1. Check the reconstruction volume bounding box. To adjust the bounding box use the Resize Region and Rotate Region toolbar buttons. Rotate the bounding box and then drag corners of the box to the desired positions. Select the Build Dense Cloud In the Build Dense Cloud dialog box select the desired reconstruction parameters.

Reconstruction parameters Quality Specifies the desired reconstruction quality. Higher quality settings can be used to obtain more detailed and accurate geometry, but they require longer time for processing. Interpretation of the quality parameters here is similar to that of accuracy settings given in Photo Alignment section.

The only difference is that in this case Ultra High quality setting means processing of original photos, while each following step implies preliminary image size downscaling by factor of 4 2 times by each side. Depth Filtering modes At the stage of dense point cloud generation reconstruction PhotoScan calculates depth maps for every image.

Due to some factors, like noisy or badly focused images, there can be some outliers among the points. To sort out the outliers PhotoScan has several built-in filtering algorithms that answer the challenges of different projects.

If there are important small details which are spatially distingueshed in the scene to be reconstructed, then it is recommended to set Mild depth filtering mode, for important features not to be sorted out as outliers. This value of the parameter may also be useful for aerial projects in case the area contains poorly textued roofs, for example.

If the area to be reconstructed does not contain meaningful small details, then it is reasonable to chose Aggressive depth filtering mode to sort out most of the outliers. This value of the parameter normally recommended for aerial data processing, however, mild filtering may be useful in some projects as well see poorly textured roofs comment in the mild parameter valur description above.

Moderate depth filtering mode brings results that are in between the Mild and Aggressive approaches. You can experiment with the setting in case you have doubts which mode to choose.

But this option is not recommended as the resulting dense cloud could be extremely noisy. Building mesh To build a mesh 1. If the model has already been referenced, the bounding box will be properly positioned automatically. Otherwise, it is important to control its position manually. To adjust the bounding box manually, use the Resize Region and Rotate Region toolbar buttons.

Rotate the bounding box and then drag corners of the box to the desired positions – only part of the scene inside the bounding box will be reconstructed. If the Height field reconstruction method is to be applied, it is important to control the position of the red side of the bounding box: it defines reconstruction plane. In this case make sure that the bounding box is correctly oriented.

Select the Build Mesh In the Build Mesh dialog box select the desired reconstruction parameters. Reconstruction parameters PhotoScan supports several reconstruction methods and settings, which help to produce optimal reconstructions for a given data set.

Surface type Arbitrary surface type can be used for modeling of any kind of object. It should be selected for closed objects, such as statues, buildings, etc. It doesn’t make any assumptions on the type of the object being modeled, which comes at a cost of higher memory consumption.

Height field surface type is optimized for modeling of planar surfaces, such as terrains or basereliefs. It should be selected for aerial photography processing as it requires lower amount of memory and allows for larger data sets processing.

Source data Specifies the source for the mesh generation procedure. Sparse cloud can be used for fast 3D model generation based solely on the sparse point cloud. Dense cloud setting will result in longer processing time but will generate high quality output based on the previously reconstructed dense point cloud.

Polygon count Specifies the maximum number of polygons in the final mesh. They present optimal number of polygons for a mesh of a corresponding level of detail. It is still possible for a user to indicate the target number of polygons in the final mesh according to their choice.

It could be done through the Custom value of the Polygon count parameter. Interpolation If interpolation mode is Disabled it leads to accurate reconstruction results since only areas corresponding to dense point cloud points are reconstructed. Manual hole filling is usually required at the post processing step. With Enabled default interpolation mode PhotoScan will interpolate some surface areas within a circle of a certain radius around every dense cloud point.

As a result some holes can be automatically covered. Yet some holes can still be present on the model and are to be filled at the post processing step. In Extrapolated mode the program generates holeless model with extrapolated geometry. Large areas of extra geometry might be generated with this method, but they could be easily removed later using selection and cropping tools.

More information on mesh decimation and other 3D model geometry editing tools is given in the Editing model geometry section. Building model texture To generate 3D model texture 1. Select Build Texture Select the desired texture generation parameters in the Build Texture dialog box. Texture mapping modes The texture mapping mode determines how the object texture will be packed in the texture atlas.

Proper texture mapping mode selection helps to obtain optimal texture packing and, consequently, better visual quality of the final model. Generic The default mode is the Generic mapping mode; it allows to parametrize texture atlas for arbitrary geometry.

No assumptions regarding the type of the scene to be processed are made; program tries to create as uniform texture as possible. Adaptive orthophoto In the Adaptive orthophoto mapping mode the object surface is split into the flat part and vertical regions. The flat part of the surface is textured using the orthographic projection, while vertical regions are textured separately to maintain accurate texture representation in such regions.

Orthophoto In the Orthophoto mapping mode the whole object surface is textured in the orthographic projection. The Orthophoto mapping mode produces even more compact texture representation than the Adaptive orthophoto mode at the expense of texture quality in vertical regions. Single photo The Single photo mapping mode allows to generate texture from a single photo. The photo to be used for texturing can be selected from ‘Texture from’ list.

Keep uv The Keep uv mapping mode generates texture atlas using current texture parametrization. It can be used to rebuild texture atlas using different resolution or to generate the atlas for the model parametrized in the external software. Texture generation parameters The following parameters control various aspects of texture atlas generation: Texture from Single photo mapping mode only Specifies the photo to be used for texturing.

Available only in the Single photo mapping mode. Blending mode not used in Single photo mode Selects the way how pixel values from different photos will be combined in the final texture. Mosaic – implies two-step approach: it does blending of low frequency component for overlapping images to avoid seamline problem weighted average, weight being dependent on a number of parameters including proximity of the pixel in question to the center of the image , while high frequency component, that is in charge of picture details, is taken from a single image – the one that presents good resolution for the area of interest while the camera view is almost along the normal to the reconstructed surface in that point.

Average – uses the weighted average value of all pixels from individual photos, the weight being dependent on the same parameters that are considered for high frequency component in mosaic mode. Max Intensity – the photo which has maximum intensity of the corresponding pixel is selected. Min Intensity – the photo which has minimum intensity of the corresponding pixel is selected.

Disabled – the photo to take the color value for the pixel from is chosen like the one for the high frequency component in mosaic mode. Exporting texture to several files allows to archive greater resolution of the final model texture, while export of high resolution texture to a single file can fail due to RAM limitations.

Multi-page texture atlas generation is supported for Generic mapping mode only and Keep UV option, if the imported model contains proper texture layout. However, please note that color correction process takes up quite a long time, so it is recommended to enable the setting only for the data sets that proved to present results of poor quality.

Enable hole filling This option is enabled on default since it helps to avoid salt-and-pepper effect in case of complicated surface with numerous tiny parts shading other parts of the model. Only in case of very specific tasks might it be recommended to switch the function off. Improving texture quality To improve resulting texture quality it may be reasonable to exclude poorly focused images from processing at this step.

PhotoScan suggests automatic image quality estimation feature. PhotoScan estimates image quality as a relative sharpness of the photo with respect to other images in the data set. Saving intermediate results Certain stages of 3D model reconstruction can take a long time.

The full chain of operations could eventually last for hours when building a model from hundreds of photos. It is not always possible to complete all the operations in one run. PhotoScan allows to save intermediate results in a project file. This includes mesh and texture if it was built. Note that since PhotoScan tends to generate extra dense point clouds and highly detailed polygonal models, project saving procedure can take up quite a long time.

You can decrease compression level to speed up the saving process. However, please note that it will result in a larger project file. Compression level setting can be found on the Advanced tab of the Preferences dialog available from Tools menu. You can save the project at the end of any processing stage and return to it later. To restart work simply load the corresponding file into PhotoScan.

Project files can also serve as backup files or be used to save different versions of the same model. Project files use relative paths to reference original photos. Thus, when moving or copying the project file to another location do not forget to move or copy photographs with all the folder structure involved as well.

Otherwise, PhotoScan will fail to run any operation requiring source images, although the project file including the reconstructed model will be loaded up correctly. Alternatively, you can enable Store absolute image paths option on the Advanced tab of the Preferences dialog available from Tools menu. Exporting results PhotoScan supports export of processing results in various representations: sparse and dense point clouds, camera calibration and camera orientation data, mesh, etc.

Point cloud and camera calibration data can be exported right after photo alignment is completed. All other export options are available after the corresponding processing step.

To align the model orientation with the default coordinate system use Rotate object button from the Toolbar. In some cases editing model geometry in the external software may be required. PhotoScan supports model export for editing in external software and then allows to import it back as it is described in the Editing model geometry section of the manual. Main export commands are available from the File menu and the rest from the Export submenu of the Tools menu.

Point cloud export To export sparse or dense point cloud 1. Select Export Points Browse the destination folder, choose the file type, and print in the file name. Click Save button. Indicate export parameters applicable to the selected file type. Click OK button to start export. In some cases it may be reasonable to edit point cloud before exporting it.

To read about point cloud editing refer to the Editing point cloud section of the manual. Tie points data export To export matching points 1. Select Export Matches In the Export Matches dialog box set export parameters. Precision value sets the limit to the number of decimal digits in the tie points coordinates to be saved.

Later on, estimated camera data can be imported back to PhotoScan using Import Cameras command from the Tools menu to proceed with 3D model reconstruction procedure. Camera calibration and orientation data export To export camera calibration and camera orientation data select Export Cameras To indicate for the software that loaded images have been taken from one camera station, one should move those photos to a camera group and assign Camera Station type to it.

For information on camera groups refer to Loading photos section. Select Export – Export Panorama Select camera group which panorama should be previewed for. Choose panorama orientation in the file with the help of navigation buttons to the right of the preview window in the Export Panorama dialog.

Set exporting parameters: select camera groups which panorama should be exported for and indicate export file name mask. Click OK button 6. Browse the destination folder and click Save button. Additionally, you can set boundaries for the region of panorama to be exported using Setup boundaries section of the Export Panorama dialog.

Text boxes in the first line X allow to indicate the angle in the horizontal plane and the second line Y serves for angle in the vertical plane limits. Image size option enables to control the size of the exporting file. Select Export Model In the Export Model dialog indicate export parameters applicable to the selected file type.

The texture file should be kept in the same directory as the main file describing the geometry. If the texture atlas was not built only the model geometry is exported. PhotoScan supports direct uploading of the models to Sketchfab resource. To publish your model online use Upload Model Capture View command available from the context menu shown on right button click in the Model or Ortho view.

PhotoScan supports direct uploading of the 3D models to Sketchfab resource. Improving camera alignment results Camera calibration Calibration groups While carrying out photo alignment PhotoScan estimates both internal and external camera orientation parameters, including nonlinear radial distortions.

For the estimation to be successful it is crucial to apply the estimation procedure separately to photos taken with different cameras. All the actions described below could and should be applied or not applied to each calibration group individually. Calibration groups can be rearranged manually. To create a new calibration group 1. Select Camera Calibration In the Camera Calibration dialog box, select photos to be arranged in a new group. In the right-click context menu choose Create Group command.

A new group will be created and depicted on the left-hand part of the Camera Calibration dialog box. To move photos from one group to another 1. In the Camera Calibration dialog box choose the source group on the left-hand part of the dialog.

Select photos to be moved and drag them to the target group on the left-hand part of the Camera Calibration dialog box. To place each photo into a separate group you can use Split Groups command available at the right button click on a calibration group name in the left-hand part of the Camera Calibration dialog Camera types PhotoScan supports two major types of camera: frame camera and fisheye camera.

Camera type can be set in Camera Calibration dialog box available from Tools menu. Frame camera. If the source data within a calibration group was shot with a frame camera, for successful estimation of camera orientation parameters the information on approximate focal length pix is required.

Obviously, to calculate focal length value in pixel it is enough to know focal length in mm along with the sensor pixel size in mm. Normally this data is extracted automatically from the EXIF metadata. Frame camera with Fisheye lens. If extra wide lenses were used to get the source data, standard PhotoScan camera model will not allow to estimate camera parameters successfully.

Fisheye camera type setting will initialize implementation of a different camera model to fit ultra-wide lens distortions. However, if the initial guess values differ significantly from the actual focal length, it is likely to lead to failure of the alignment process.

So, if photos do not contain EXIF metadata, it is preferable to specify focal length mm and sensor pixel size mm manually. It can be done in Camera Calibration dialog box available from Tools menu. Generally, this data is indicated in camera specification or can be received from some online source.

To indicate to the program that camera orientation parameters should be estimated based on the focal length and pixel size information, it is necessary to set the Type parameter on the Initial tab to Auto value. Camera calibration parameters Once you have tried to run the estimation procedure and got poor results, you can improve them thanks to the additional data on calibration parameters. To specify camera calibration parameters 1.

Select calibration group, which needs reestimation of camera orientation parameters on the left side of the Camera Calibration dialog box.

In the Camera Calibration dialog box, select Initial tab. Modify the calibration parameters displayed in the corresponding edit boxes. Set the Type to the Precalibrated value. Repeat to every calibration group where applicable. Click OK button to set the calibration. Initial calibration data will be adjusted during the Align Photos processing step.

Once Align Photos processing step is finished adjusted calibration data will be displayed on the Adjusted tab of the Camera Calibration dialog box. If very precise calibration data is available, to protect it from recalculation one should check Fix calibration box. In this case initial calibration data will not be changed during Align Photos process.

Adjusted camera calibration data can be saved to file using Save button on the Adjusted tab of the Camera Calibration dialog box. Estimated camera distortions can be seen on the distortion plot available from context menu of a camera group in the Camera Calibration dialog. In addition, residuals graph the second tab of the same Distortion Plot dialog allows to evaluate how adequately the camera is described with the applied mathematical model.

Note that residuals are averaged per cell of an image and then across all the images in a camera group. Calibration parameters list f Focal length measured in pixels. Optimization Optimization of camera alignment During photo alignment step PhotoScan automatically finds tie points and estimates intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters.

However, the accuracy of the estimates depends on many factors, like overlap between the neighbouring photos, as well as on the shape of the object surface. Thus, it is recommended to inspect alignment results in order to delete tie points with too large reprojection error if any.

Please refer to Editing point cloud section for information on point cloud editing. Once the set of tie points has been edited, it is necessary to run optimization procedure to reestimate intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters. Optimization procedure calculates intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters based on the tie points left after editing procedure.

Providing that outliers have been removed, the estimates will be more accurate. In addition, this step involves estimation of a number of intrinsic camera parameters which are fixed at the alignment step: aspect, skew; and distortion parameters p3, p4, k4. To optimize camera alignment 1. Choose Optimize Cameras In Optimize Camera Alignment dialog box check camera parameters to be optimized.

Click OK button to start optimization. After optimization is complete, estimated intrinsic camera parameters can be inspected on the Adjusted tab of the Camera Calibration dialog available from the Tools menu. You will have to rebuild the model geometry after optimization.

Editing Using masks Overview Masks are used in PhotoScan to specify the areas on the photos which can otherwise be confusing to the program or lead to incorrect reconstruction results. Thus, the objects on the masked parts of the photos are not taken into account while estimating camera positions. This is important in the setups, where the object of interest is not static with respect to the scene, like when using a turn table to capture the photos.

Masking may be also useful when the object of interest occupies only a small part of the photo. In this case a small number of useful matches can be filtered out mistakenly as a noise among a much greater number of matches between background objects. Building dense point cloud While building dense point cloud, masked areas are not used in the depth maps computation process. Masking can be used to reduce the resulting dense cloud complexity, by eliminating the areas on the photos that are not of interest.

Masked areas are always excluded from processing during dense point cloud and texture generation stages, including Tiled Model generation process.

Let’s take for instance a set of photos of some object. Along with an object itself on each photo some background areas are present. These areas may be useful for more precise camera positioning, so it is better to use them while aligning the photos. However, impact of these areas at the building dense point cloud is exactly opposite: the resulting model will contain object of interest and its background.

Background geometry will “consume” some part of mesh polygons that could be otherwise used for modeling the main object.

Setting the masks for such background areas allows to avoid this problem and increases the precision and quality of geometry reconstruction. Masking areas on the photos that are occluded by outliers or obstacles helps to prevent the “ghosting” effect on the resulting texture atlas.

Loading masks Masks can be loaded from external sources, as well as generated automatically from background images if such data is available. To import masks 1. Select Import Masks In the Import Mask dialog select suitable parameters.

When generating masks from separate or background images, the folder selection dialog will appear. Browse to the folder containing corresponding images and select it. The following parameters can be specified during mask import: Method Specifies the source of the mask data. From Alpha – load masks from alpha channel of the source photos. From File – load masks from separate images. From Background – generate masks from background photos. From Model – generate masks based on reconstructed model.

Operation Specifies the action to be done in case a second mask is imported for the photo. Replacement – new mask will be loaded and stored instead of the original one. Union – two masks will be united and stored.

Intersection – the intersection of the two masks will be stored as a new mask for the photo. Difference – only the difference between two masks will be stored as a new mask for the photo. Filename template not used in From alpha mode Specifies the file name template used to generate mask file names. This template can contain special tokens, that will be substituted by corresponding data for each photo being processed. Tolerance From Background method only Specifies the tolerance threshold used for background differencing.

Tolerance value should be set according to the color separation between foreground and background pixels. For larger separation higher tolerance values can be used. Apply to Specifies whether masks should be imported for the currently opened photo, active chunk or entire Workspace. All cameras – load masks for active chunk. Entire workspace – load masks for all chunks in the project. Selected cameras – load mask for the currently checked cameras if any. Current photo – load mask for the currently opened photo if any.

Editing masks Modification of the current mask is performed by adding or subtracting selections. A selection is created with one of the supported selection tools and is not incorporated in the current mask until it is merged with a mask using Add Selection or Subtract Selection operations.

To edit the mask 1. The photo will be opened in the main window. The existing mask will be displayed as a shaded region on the photo. Select the desired selection tool and generate a selection. Click on Add Selection toolbar button to add current selection to the mask, or Subtract Selection to subtract the selection from the mask.

Invert Selection button allows to invert current selection prior to adding or subtracting it from the mask. The following tools can be used for creating selections: Rectangle selection tool Rectangle selection tool is used to select large areas or to clean up the mask after other selection tools were applied.

Intelligent scissors tool Intelligent scissors is used to generate a selection by specifying its boundary. The boundary is formed by selecting a sequence of vertices with a mouse, which are automatically connected with segments. To enable snapping, hold Ctrl key while selecting the next vertex. To complete the selection, the boundary should be closed by clicking on the first boundary vertex. Intelligent paint tool Intelligent paint tool is used to “paint” a selection by the mouse, continuously adding small image regions, bounded by object boundaries.

Magic wand tool Magic Wand tool is used to select uniform areas of the image. To make a selection with a Magic Wand tool, click inside the region to be selected.

The range of pixel colors selected by Magic Wand is controlled by the tolerance value. At lower tolerance values the tool selects fewer colors similar to the pixel you click with the Magic Wand tool. Higher value broadens the range of colors selected. A mask can be inverted using Invert Mask command from the Photo menu. The command is active in Photo View only.

Alternatively, you can invert masks either for selected cameras or for all cameras in a chunk using Invert Masks The masks are generated individually for each image. If some object should be masked out, it should be masked out on all photos, where that object appears. Saving masks Created masks can be also saved for external editing or storage. To export masks 1. Select Export Masks In the Export Mask dialog select suitable parameters.

Browse to the folder where the masks should be saved and select it. The following parameters can be specified during mask export: Export masks for Specifies whether masks should be exported for the currently opened photo, active chunk or entire Workspace. Current photo – save mask for the currently opened photo if any.

Active chunk – save masks for active chunk. Entire workspace – save masks for all chunks in the project. Single channel mask image – generates single channel black and white mask images.

Image with alpha channel – generates color images from source photos combined with mask data in alpha channel. Mask file names Specifies the file name template used to generate mask file names.

Mask file names parameter will not be used in this case. Filtering points based on specified criterion In some cases it may be useful to find out where the points with high reprojection error are located within the sparse cloud, or remove points representing high amount of noise.

Point cloud filtering helps to select such points, which usually are supposed to be removed. It is also typical for false matches. Removing such points can improve accuracy of the subsequent optimization step. Reconstruction uncertainty High reconstruction uncertainty is typical for points, reconstructed from nearby photos with small baseline.

Such points can noticeably deviate from the object surface, introducing noise in the point cloud. While removal of such points should not affect the accuracy of optimization, it may be useful to remove them before building geometry in Point Cloud mode or for better visual appearance of the point cloud. Image count PhotoScan reconstruct all the points that are visible at least on two photos. However, points that are visible only on two photos are likely to be located with poor accuracy.

Image count filtering enables to remove such unreliable points from the cloud. Projection Accuracy This criterion allows to filter out points which projections were relatively poorer localised due to their bigger size. To remove points based on specified criterion 1. Switch to Point Cloud view mode using Point Cloud toolbar button. Select Gradual Selection In the Gradual Selection dialog box specify the criterion to be used for filtering.

Adjust the threshold level using the slider. You can observe how the selection changes while dragging the slider. Click OK button to finalize the selection. To remove selected points use Delete Selection command from the Edit menu or click Delete Selection toolbar button or simply press Del button on the keyboard.

Filtering points based on applied masks To remove points based on applied masks 1. Switch to Dense Cloud view mode using Dense Cloud toolbar button. Choose Select Masked Points In the Select Masked Points dialog box indicate the photos whose masks to be taken into account. Adjust the edge softness level using the slider. Click OK button to run the selection procedure.

Filtering points based on points colors To remove points based on points colors 1. Choose Select Points by Color In the Select Points by Color dialog box the color to be used as the criterion. Adjust the tolerance level using the slider. Tie point per photo limit Tie point limit parameter could be adjusted before Align photos procedure.

The number indicates the upper limit for matching points for every image. Using zero value doesn’t apply any tie-point filtering.


– Agisoft Metashape 1.6.6

Agisoft PhotoScan User Manual Professional Edition, Version Agisoft PhotoScan User Manual: Professional Edition, Version Publication date Agisoft PhotoScan Professional version (). Agisoft PhotoScan performs photogrammetric processing of digital images and generates.


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